Title: Koltan Kills Kids
Published in: Transmediale09 “Deep North” | Chimurenga | African Cities Reader
Released: February | April | July 2009
Koltan Kills Kids is a highly political piece produced in collaboration with Tsuba Ka 23 (an avatar given to an arts collective that chooses to remain anonymous in this context to protect the artists and their work).
It is a text of fiction accompanied by two art works that, together, address human rights atrocities in Eastern DRC resulting from the multi-million dollar business of mining coltan, a metal that plays a key role in satellite and cell phone technology. This piece first appeared under the title Coltan Memo in January 2009 in Deep North, the 23rd anniversary catalogue of the Transmediale Festival (Berlin | Germany).
Two related versions of this collaboration, published under the title Koltan Kills Kids, appeared in Chimurenga Magazine, Vol. 14 (2009) and the launch issue of the African Cities Reader (a collaboration of the African Centre for Cities and Chimurenga magazine funded by the Rockefeller Foundation – July 2009).