Title: Rumblin’
Published in: Chimurenga Magazine
Released: April 2009
Rumblin, a collaboration between Dominique Malaquais and SPARCK’s first resident artist, Kakudji, is an essay about the ultimate deal: a multi-million dollar sporting event that built on and shaped worldwide political, economic and social phenomena at the height of the Cold War. The event was the “Rumble in the Jungle”, the now mythical Ali-Foreman boxing match that took place in Kinshasa in October 1974 under the watchful eye of Zairian dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, the CIA’s man in Central Africa in the 1970s and 80s. Rumblin’ was published in Chimurenga magazine vol. 14 (2009). A shorter version of the essay appeared in French in the journal Africultures (no. 73, 2008).